Unpopular opinions on literally anything

Created By  manifestingSeunghanRIIZEcb on Thu Apr 25 2024 18:27:16 GMT +0000 (GMT+0000)



Hey y'all . It's my third time popping up here and just yapping about whatever the hell that I want to yap about . So I decided that I wanted to treat this sh*t like Reddit and come on here like I'm discussing some unpopular opinions . I don't really care if this pisses somebody off , because at the end of the day , I'm about to actually make some good ass points to y'all . So here I go :

1. If you are not of mostly african ancestory or have a biological black parent , you should not be wearing African hairstyles . First of all , a lot of non-black folks look stupid as hell when they wear them , and the only reason they want to wear them is to try to come off as "gangster" . I wouldn't be this pressed about it if black people were not demonized or discriminated against because of our fu**ing culture . I said whatv I said .
2. Asia is one of the continents that I might never want to visit EVER . I know that I sound ridiculous because I am super into K-pop , but I'm American . From what I've seen and heard , Asia is not a very safe country for women . Some old man in Korea got beat the fu** up because he was defending a woman from being attacked by a misogynist because she had short hair . So we can't even have short hair without getting attacked now ?!?!?! Also the way they treat r*pe is just DISGUSTING . Also , the country is not very diverse . While there's nothing wrong with that , that means the country is very ignorant and me being a black girl , I just wouldn't feel super safe . And the school system is toxic as fu** , and the bullying is TERRIBLE . 
3. People who don't understand why it is offensive to say the fu**ing n-word or any racial slur against black folks need to go travel back a handful of decades before black people had basic human rights and then they'll understand . Also folks who are like "Why would say a word that's offensive to y'all ?" it's called reclaiming a slur you fu**ing idoit . You can  iss me with that ignorant bullsh*t . 
4. I have no sympathy for LE SSERAFIM getting hated on for their inability to sing . Not being an amazing dancer , you can learn how to dance . But you work in an industry where the BARE MINIMUM is to know how to fu**ING SING . Hybe Labels and the girls deserve the backlash because maybe then they'll learn how to fu**ing Sing . Especially Sakura because she is a grown ass woman who has been in the idustry for more than a decade atp , and the bitch still doesn't know how to sing . The fu** was that Weverse post ?!?!?! Embarrassing . And fu** their delusional ass yes-people of fans because dancing is NOT AN EXCUSE for bad singing . Ateez was dancing hard as fu** choreo and they STILL ATE . NO SYMPATHY . They needed the backlash so they could wake the fu** up and take some vocal lessons .
5. HyunA deserves all the hate she's getting . Not only is she a major bitch for getting with Goo Hara's ex , that man is a fu**ING CREEP who was involved in the Burning Sun scandal . Look that sh*t up , he's a bad person . And she's not only a bad person for dating this man , but she's also stupid as fu** . Does she not care about her
career ?!?!
6.The music industry wouldn't be sh*t if the African diaspora wasn't here to bless us with our culture . And if you're not a member of the community that was affected by something , DO NOT accept or unaccept apologies when somebody does something fu**ing dumb . You have no right or reason to . 
7. I lost all of my respect for Chaeyoung for what she did . No sympathy for her at all . In this day and age doing something you know is wrong is your fault and your fault only . No sympathy .
6. People need to shut up about Trans women being fake women . It was never that deep in the first place . Go find something better to do .
7. Some people NEED to be fake as fu** around people because nobody would fu** with them if they were their true selves around them . Some people just suck , and that's the truth .
8. Parents need to stop acting like their kids are their future retirement plan . It's like you just had kids so you can have somebody to take care of you when you're all old and wrinkly . Your kids didn't ask to be here , so it's not their job to take care of you because you made them .
9. Parents act like it's some sort of accomplishment that they don't abuse their kids . You're not getting a fu**ing reward for giving your kids an education and giving them basic human necessities . That's the bare minimum to being a parent , not the pinnacle .
10. Parents shouldn't be upset about their kids not being grateful for their good environment if that was all they grew up with . They don't know what it's like to live in a bad environment . Just because your childhood sucked doesn't mean you have to make it your kids' problem . Nobody gives a sh*t .
11. Kids should be allowed to stand up for themselves without adults thinking they got an attitude . 
12. NCT DO NOT have a confusing concept . Bitches just be lazy . Got all their names down and who was in what unit in the few days after becoming an NCTzen . It's not hard at all , you just want something to bitch about .
13. You can tell that somebody doesn't use AAVE in their regular life because it sounds forced and fake as fu** .
14. Their are still a lot of good things with black culture . If you'd stopped being ignorant you'd know that sh*t .
15. Just because NewJeans debutted with the Y2k concept before it got big , doesn't mean all the other groups who do it are copying them . Trying to own a concept when none of the girls were even born in the year Y2k , smh . And now that Min Heejin is being exposed for copying a Japanese girl group , I just HAVE TO LAUGH .
16. Some people are just ugly as sh*t and that's okay . There are ugly people who can still pull if they have a good personality or they have a glow up . But some ugly people will be ugly as sh*t and have bad personalities . Like dude , you're already ugly , at least be nice . And ugly people who have the AUDACITY to comment on other peoples' looks need to take a whole entire goddamn table and shut the fu** up . 
17. Cultures do own certain hairstyles . No questions asked . 

So those were all of the opinions that I felt like needed to be said . I honestly don't give a single fu** if some of y'all get mad , because if you want to fight or try to change my mind be my fu**ing guest Any responses are welcome . And I KNOW some of y'all will agree with some of my opinions , do not lie or try to hide because you know who you are I came here to cause some drama and start a discussion , so if you get pissed off ??? Well then my job was fu**ing done . I just KNOW I ruined somebody's day an their about to come out with a statement . And honestly , a lot of there opinions aren't even unpopular , but people are too scared to say anything without pissing people off . You guys a hiding behind your screens and internet personas , let all of the dirty laundry out . Don't be shy , we're all equals here . You guys can say whatever the fu** you ant to . Nobody's gonna stop you . 

Be my guest . 
This was your local neurodivergent black k-pop stan , and she's OUT . 
Toodles <3